Care for Creation

Doing Faithjustice Discussion Guide

Book Discussion Guide
In the latest edition of Doing Faithjustice, Fred Kammer S.J., a lawyer, activist, and Jesuit priest, addresses the pressing issue of human poverty and injustice amidst our consumer-driven,...

Laudato Si' and Ecological Conversion

Learn about 'ecological conversion' in the context of Laudato Si' and how Pope Francis calls each of us to make individual lifestyle choices and to work for structural change to protect the integrity...

Video: Ecological Examen

Use this two minute guided prayer to express gratitude for the gifts of creation and to reflect on where we have fallen short in our call to care for creation and, therefore, our sisters and brothers...

Our Bodies are Nature Prayer

Pray and celebrate all bodies that are made in the image and likeness of God.

A Magnificat for Us

Centering social justice through lifting up God and God’s goodness, this prayer invites us to be grateful for God’s work in our lives and pray for more just and equitable communities.

Christmas Carol

Book Discussion Guide
Hope for the Holidays is designed as a light-hearted and approachable tool for people to navigate their feelings of hopelessness by widening their vision towards the common good in society and the...

Mass for Creation

Catholic Climate Covenant created a mass template that can be used to uplift care for creation. This Mass guide offers hope in the midst of the climate crisis.

Prayer on Planting Seeds

Based on the parable of the sower, this prayer asks God to fill us with the desire to cultivate fertile spaces for the seeds of justice and hope to grow within ourselves and our community.

Labor Day Reflection

Reflect on the impact of Labor Day and learn more about labor and the history of workers' rights through Catholic Social Teaching.

Reflection on Called to Care

As a way to honor and celebrate the Season of Creation, take time to reflect on the intersectionality of care for creation and nonviolence in our world today. The Season of Creation begins on...

Called to Care Prayer

As a way to honor and celebrate the Season of Creation, take time to reflect on the intersectionality of care for creation and nonviolence in our world today with our prayer titled, "Called to Care. ...

CST and Farming

Fact Sheet & Handout
Learn more about Catholic Social Teaching’s outlook on food and agriculture through different encyclicals, documents, and homilies. Explore documents that have continued to inform the teachings of...