Catholic Social Tradition Principles

Peace and Justice Trivia

This trivia game includes themes, places, and people whose lives and work are rooted in Catholic Social Teaching. The game can be played in pairs or small groups to engage students in our shared...

Celebrating the Joy of the Gospel

Reflecting on the "The Joy of the Gospel" (Evangelii Gaudium), we recommit to upholding the dignity of those around us and recognize our agency as an opportunity to...

Mass for Creation

Catholic Climate Covenant created a mass template that can be used to uplift care for creation. This Mass guide offers hope in the midst of the climate crisis.

CRS Global Food Update Discussion Guide

In Summer 2023, CRS published a update on the impact of our global food crisis. Through the lens of the pastoral circle, the discussion guide walks participants through questions, prayer, and ideas...

Prayer on Planting Seeds

Based on the parable of the sower, this prayer asks God to fill us with the desire to cultivate fertile spaces for the seeds of justice and hope to grow within ourselves and our community.

Prayer As We Keep Vigil

In observance of Respect Life Month each October, utilize this prayer for abolishing the death penalty. It was written in collaboration with Catholic Mobilizing Network for their monthly First Friday...

Labor Day Reflection

Reflect on the impact of Labor Day and learn more about labor and the history of workers' rights through Catholic Social Teaching.

Synod Reflection Guide

Catholic Mobilizing Network assembled a handful of presenters in winter 2022 to discuss what restorative justice practices can inform the Synod on Synodality. The conversation offered a view of the...

Synodal Process and Inclusion

Take a more reflective look into the Synod on Synodality to prepare your heart in understanding issues and opportunities that face the synodal process in October 2023. Be more attentive to...

Reflection on Called to Care

As a way to honor and celebrate the Season of Creation, take time to reflect on the intersectionality of care for creation and nonviolence in our world today. The Season of Creation begins on...

Called to Care Prayer

As a way to honor and celebrate the Season of Creation, take time to reflect on the intersectionality of care for creation and nonviolence in our world today with our prayer titled, "Called to Care. ...

All Are Welcome Reflection

A reflection written around National Coming Out Day that centers inclusion. National Coming Out Day is observed on October 11.