Exploring the Legacies of Sts. John Paul II and John XXIII
ReflectionExplore the messages of Saint John Paul II and Saint John XXIII in this resource that outlines the encyclicals authored by these two popes who were so dedicated to Catholic social thought and...
In Celebration of Saints John XXIII and John Paul II
Popes John XXIII and John Paul II were canonized on April 27, 2014.
Journey to Justice with Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II is a beloved figure to many Catholics and reflecting on how his journeys around the world revealed his deep commitment to CST is a positive way to introduce these teachings to...
Pope John Paul II's Message for World Communication Day 2002
The Pope reflects on the positive and negative aspects of the Internet.
Pope John Paul II on the Eucharist and Justice
The Eucharist, Pope John Paul II said, calls us to work for justice. This one-page summary of his reflections on the Eucharist can inspire us to work for justice.
Pope John Paul II and Interfaith Relations
Pope John Paul II was a tireless advocate for interfaith dialogue and unity, reaching out particularly to our sisters and brothers in the Islamic and Judaic traditions. This resources is a one-page...
Pope John Paul II on Poverty and Debt
This two-page handout/bulletin insert overviews John Paul II's concerns about debt of poor countries and the problem of hunger in the world.
Pope John Paul II on Solidarity
In Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (The Social Concerns of the Church), 1987, Pope John Paul II promoted a vision of a world united by the solidarity of all humanity. This one-page resource highlights...
Pope John Paul II on Peace
During his time as Pope, John Paul II continuously spoke about development, solidarity, and the common good as essential elements to world peace. This one-page resource reflects on these themes as...
Some Major Themes of Pope John Paul II's Teaching
This handout/bulletin insert highlights some of the main social justice themes of Pope John Paul II's teaching, using quotes from his addresses and documents.
Inspired Discipleship: Rededicating Our Faith through the Words of Our Holy Father
"Inspired Discipleship: Rededicating Our Faith through the Words of Our Holy Father" is based on the words of John Paul II and can be used in large and small group settings to celebrate his...
Pope John Paul II's Prayer for Peace
Calling on God to grant us insight and courage to work for peace, this prayer was adapted from an original version originally written by Saint Pope John Paul II.