
Prayer of Remembrance at Ground Zero Memorial

In his prayer, Pope Francis reminds us that Ground Zero is a place of life, not death. Those who lost their lives will live on whenever we strive to be prophets not of tearing down but of building...

A Thanksgiving Litany

In an era when we can easily focus on the negative in the world, this litany reminds us of the positive blessings of our Church's social teachings.  

Prayer for Acceptance and Inclusion

Pope Francis provided us with images of inclusion and acceptance, as he met with prisoners, peoples of other faiths, and those with disabilities; this prayer encourages us to follow his...

To Fast from Consumerism

During the holiday season, we are often swept up in purchasing material goods. As we pray together, let us fast from the endless consumerism of our society and readjust our focus towards caring about...

A Thanksgiving Grace

Gratitude is one of the most essential acts of worship. This grace before meals is a way to extend your gratitude to God for all those whose lives are intertwined with yours. Print out this...

Prayer for Girls and Young Women

In celebration of the United Nations International Day of the Girl Child on October 11, this prayer remembers all of the young girls and women in our world who are not given the same opportunities as...

Prayer for the End of Hunger

Calling to mind the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and the communion meal that Christ offers all who walk in his footsteps, this prayer commemorates World Food Day on October 16.  

Prayer for Those in Poverty

This prayer seeks to open hearts and minds to respond to the needs of those living in poverty so that all may have peace and dignity in their lives.  

Prayer for Beginning Anew

This prayer prompts us to go deeper as we reflect on new beginnings for our activities this fall, in classrooms, in parish groups, and in justice and peace organizations.  

Peace Prayer by Pope Francis

Join Pope Francis in this plea for peace in our world as we pray “Shalom, Peace, Salam!”  

Prayer for Peace in Our Communities

This prayer was written on the Anniversary of Ferguson and in the wake of more and more reports of killings.  It cries out to our God of Peace, realizing we have little time and much to learn about...

Prayer for Courage (International Day of Peace)

To respond to God's call to be peacemakers, we need to nurture courage so we can proclaim with clarity and commitment the necessity of peace in our troubled world.