Lenten Reflections A-Page-A-Day – All Weeks

The season of Lent is an invitation to enter into the wilderness of our need for God. This forty-day pilgrimage is marked by the practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving which are designed to focus and free us for the journey. These reflections provide a page-a-day and include:
* Readings from the scripture of the day
* Quotes from Catholic Social teaching which connect
* Original reflections to ponder
* A short prayer for your day
* A suggestion for fasting – ideas to draw you deeper
* An almsgiving resource via a web site to expand your awareness
* Photos for reflection
Week One Reflections – Go to reflections
Week Two Reflections – Get reflections
Week Three Reflections – Get reflections
Week Four Reflections – Get reflections
Week Five Reflections – Get reflections
Week Six Reflections – Get reflections