Lessons Plans for Fratelli Tutti
In an increasingly divided world, Pope Francis calls us to breakdown barriers through reconciliation and encounter in his new encyclical Fratelli Tutti. This guide provides lesson plans, prayer, discussion, and action to help us dive deeper into Pope Francis’ words.
One Day Lesson Plan: This lesson plan examines “Fratelli Tutti”gives an overview of the encyclical’s key themes. It is designed to be completed in one high school class period.
Three Day Lesson Plan: This lesson plan looks at the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of “Fratelli Tutti.” It is designed to be completed over three high school class periods or one longer block period.
Five Day Lesson Plan: This lesson allows students to explore “Fratelli Tutti” in-depth, according to the topics that interest them. It is designed to be completed over five high school class periods or two longer blocks.