
A Timeline on Migration, Labor, and Immigration Laws, Part One

Lesson Plan
This four page resource reviews key events in migration patterns and immigration laws in the U.S up until 1903. It raises central questions about the relationship between the need for labor and...

A Prayer To Our Lady of Guadalupe

Share this enchanting and simple prayer in honor of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Alabama Immigration Law Threatens Free Exercise of Religion

Alabama has passed a law that would make it a crime to knowingly assist an illegal immigrant by providing them a ride, a job, a place to live or any other kind of social assistance, including...

People of God on the Move: Catholic Immigration in the U.S.

Since the 1840s, immigration to the U.S. was increasingly from Catholic countries, beginning with the Irish Famine, continuing with displaced persons from Eastern Europe after World War II and with...

Mapping Migration - An Interactive Look at Peoples on the Move

This series of interactive maps provides an overview of where people are moving to as refugees and asylum seekers.  The map displays sending countries and receiving countries.

Under the Same Moon

Under the Same Moon provides a perspective on immigration that no one is likely to get from reading the newspapers or watching the evening news: immigrants have faces, names, and families; they are...

Arizona Immigration Law and Catholic Teaching

The state of Arizona recently passed immigration reform that allows local police to initiate an investigation when they suspect a person may not be legally residing in the state.  Many,...

The Visitor

Immigration and Hospitality In a world of six billion people, it only takes one to change your life.  This film is an engaging look of what happens to the dynamics of hospitality and welcome in a...

One Border One Body

The Liturgy is a place where we seek to transcend all borders, all division. The film, "One Border One Body" looks at the issue of immigration from a sacramental perspective. This film invites not...

Immigration and the Question of Security

Since 9/11, the use of fear to justify everything from the erosion of rights to the dehumanization of peoples coming to the U.S. has been dangerously effective.  This article looks at what...

The Invisible Chapel

This film guide provides an excellent forum to explore immigration in a recent documentary. For over twenty years a migrant chapel remained invisible to the wealthy residents of a San Diego, CA...